Commodity (Basics) Investment Knowledge: Commodities

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Learn more about Commodities in this Commodity Investment Tutorial. I hope you can learn something new and if you like what you see feel free to comment, rate and subscribe to this channel. Thanks for watching. This video has been taken from and was approved for reuse on other channels.

In the original and simplified sense, commodities were things of value, of uniform quality, that were produced in large quantities by many different producers; the items from each different producer were considered equivalent. On a commodity exchange, it is the underlying standard stated in the contract that defines the commodity, not any quality inherent in a specific producer’s product. In order to further diversify their investments and mitigate the risks associated with inflationary debasement of currencies, an increasing number of pension funds and sovereign wealth funds are allocating more capital to non-listed assets such as a commodities and commodity-related infrastructure.

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