Managing My Investments – free online course at

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Sign up now at ‘Managing My Investments’ is a free online course by The Open University available on

Gain the skills to manage your investments: analyse portfolio risk and plan your pension, with this free online course.

Research shows that UK households are poor at investment management with a limited understanding of investment choices, risks and returns. The resultant ‘savings gap’ threatens a scenario where many cannot afford to retire. Elsewhere households fail to plan properly, to make their investment choices fit with their risk appetites and the time horizons for access to their funds. Managing My Investments aims to give you the tools to avoid these personal finance nightmares.

On this free online course, you’ll learn about different investment choices, the returns and risks associated with each, and the evidence about their historical performance. You’ll explore investment strategies, as well as the practicalities about involvement in personal finance markets. And you’ll look at how to avoid the individual and group behavioural traits that can impair effective investment decision making.

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