A Beginner’s Guide to Investing How to Grow Your Money the Smart and Easy Way

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Whether you’re a complete investing novice or just confused about all the contradictory advice out there, A Beginner’s Guide to Investing is an accessible guide to growing your money the smart and easy way.

Throw away the get-rich quick schemes that never work and turn off the financial news and it’s constant noise. Whether your dream is protecting your assets in a turbulent market or growing your wealth so that you can retire in style, this book is the blueprint.

You can be a successful investor – really.

Join Ivy Bytes, an innovative start-up dedicated to creating accessible content on crucial issues, and Alex Frey, a lifelong investor and Harvard MBA, as they show you:

– How you can realistically expect to double your money every 7-10 years
– Why most investors achieve stunningly poor returns on their money – and how to avoid turning into one of them
– How to choose an investment account that you can keep for the rest of your life
– How to out-perform the vast majority of professional investors while taking less risk
– How to quickly create a portfolio of diversified ETFs (exchange traded funds)
– How to put in as few as three to five hours every year on your investing – and still beat 80% of investors
– Why you may not be properly diversified in holding the most popular index mutual funds
– How endowments like Yale university have consistently beaten the overall stock market – and what you can learn from them
– Why the vast majority of mutual funds fail to live up to their promise
– Why your financial adviser and mutual fund manager might be getting more rich than you off of your investments
– What the terms “beta” and “alpha” mean – and why understanding them is critical to retiring rich
– How to maximize your tax savings by using a 401(k) and IRA
– When and how to re-balance your portfolio
– How to have the confidence to manage your money for life
– And more.