How To Buy Stocks And Make Money – Method Opitions Trading Win 90%
How To Buy Stocks And Make Money
Buy stocks. That's how you make money and get rich. Buying stock is easy and involves only 3 simple steps: open an online account, buy stock and keep buying stock.
There are many misconceptions about the stock market and investing. Before we proceed, lets clear a few things up. You don't need to be a math wizard, you don't need a college education, and you don't need a fancy computer with 3 monitors covered in colorful graphs. Oh yeah...and there are no secret tricks to pick stock.
You want to get rich? You want to make money? Follow these steps and learn how to make money buying stocks the safe way.
Who Are You
This article is for someone who wants to buy stocks, make money and get rich. If your into that get-rich-quick crap, just stop reading. This is a life plan not a million dollar scheme. If you follow the steps below you will average 15-30% returns on your investments.
For those of you unfamiliar with investing, 15% is considered a great return on investment.
15% would make you over $300,000 dollars after 20 years considering you invest only $201 dollars a month. (FYI, $201 is peanuts; you can invest much more than this) If you earned 30%, your investment would be worth over $3 million dollars. Bottom line, follow my advice and get rich. Lets begin.
Open an Online Account
You don't have to live on Wall Street to buy stocks and get rich. You can be anywhere in the world and buy a share of the market. How nice is that! You could live on the side of a mountain in the middle of Alaska and still make money trading online stock. You can start making money today. Just Open an online stock account and start buying shares. Here are some great sites to open an account: Scottrade, E*trade, TDameritrade and Zecco.
Important, on a monthly basis you need to deposit money into the account. Budget whatever amount you think you can afford. Deposit this into your online stock account and call this, "Investing Money". They'll be more on this later.
Screen Stocks
Screen before you buy stocks. Google Finance Stock Screener works great. You want money? It all happens during the stock screening. Anyone can buy stock but not everyone can make money. Learn how to separate the good stocks from the bad ones. Click this link, (How to Use a Stock Screener). It will show you how to pick good stocks that make money. Its a straight forward system that will help you get rich.
Buy Stocks
Start buying stock; its as simple as that. Dedicate a specific amount of money each month and buy stocks on a monthly basis. Don't hesitate, dont get scared and don't put it off, just stay true and committed. The market will go up and the market will go down. But, whatever happens continue to buy. This is called dollar-costs-averaging. This is a proven investing method that will make money and help you get rich.
Most Important Tip
Only use 75% of your "Investing Money" to buy stock. Save the other 25%, call this "Reserve Money" It will be used to buy stocks when the market is down. For example, if you deposit $100 dollars every month, use $75 dollars to buy stock and keep the other $25 dollars as a reserve. This is the most important step that will yield amazing rewards.
Million Dollar Secret
This is how you get rich and this is when you make money....serious amounts of money.
When the stock market is down 10% or more, use 50% of your "Reserve Money" to buy more stocks!
When the stock market takes sharp drops, people sell stocks all at once because they're afraid. This sends stock prices plummeting much lower than they are actually worth. It's like having your favorite store put a for sale sign up, "75% off...Everything Must Go."
Take full advantage and buy more stocks! When the stock market goes back up, you'll make tons of money and look like a financial genius. One more point, you should never run out of "Reserve Money". Use only 50% of what you have whenever the market drops.
For instance, if you have $1000 dollars of "Reserved Money" and the market drops 15%, you would use $500 (50% Reserve Money) to buy stocks. Your reserve balance is now $500. If the market dips again suddenly, use would only use $250 dollars (50% Reserve Balance) to buy stock.
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How To Buy Stocks And Make Money
Buy stocks. That’s how you make money and get rich. Buying stock is easy and involves only 3 simple steps: open an online account, buy stock and keep buying stock.
There are many misconceptions about the stock market and investing. Before we proceed, lets clear a few things up. You don’t need to be a math wizard, you don’t need a college education, and you don’t need a fancy computer with 3 monitors covered in colorful graphs. Oh yeah…and there are no secret tricks to pick stock.
You want to get rich? You want to make money? Follow these steps and learn how to make money buying stocks the safe way.
Who Are You
This article is for someone who wants to buy stocks, make money and get rich. If your into that get-rich-quick crap, just stop reading. This is a life plan not a million dollar scheme. If you follow the steps below you will average 15-30% returns on your investments.
For those of you unfamiliar with investing, 15% is considered a great return on investment.
15% would make you over $300,000 dollars after 20 years considering you invest only $201 dollars a month. (FYI, $201 is peanuts; you can invest much more than this) If you earned 30%, your investment would be worth over $3 million dollars. Bottom line, follow my advice and get rich. Lets begin.
Open an Online Account
You don’t have to live on Wall Street to buy stocks and get rich. You can be anywhere in the world and buy a share of the market. How nice is that! You could live on the side of a mountain in the middle of Alaska and still make money trading online stock. You can start making money today. Just Open an online stock account and start buying shares. Here are some great sites to open an account: Scottrade, E*trade, TDameritrade and Zecco.
Important, on a monthly basis you need to deposit money into the account. Budget whatever amount you think you can afford. Deposit this into your online stock account and call this, “Investing Money”. They’ll be more on this later.
Screen Stocks
Screen before you buy stocks. Google Finance Stock Screener works great. You want money? It all happens during the stock screening. Anyone can buy stock but not everyone can make money. Learn how to separate the good stocks from the bad ones. Click this link, (How to Use a Stock Screener). It will show you how to pick good stocks that make money. Its a straight forward system that will help you get rich.
Buy Stocks
Start buying stock; its as simple as that. Dedicate a specific amount of money each month and buy stocks on a monthly basis. Don’t hesitate, dont get scared and don’t put it off, just stay true and committed. The market will go up and the market will go down. But, whatever happens continue to buy. This is called dollar-costs-averaging. This is a proven investing method that will make money and help you get rich.
Most Important Tip
Only use 75% of your “Investing Money” to buy stock. Save the other 25%, call this “Reserve Money” It will be used to buy stocks when the market is down. For example, if you deposit $100 dollars every month, use $75 dollars to buy stock and keep the other $25 dollars as a reserve. This is the most important step that will yield amazing rewards.
Million Dollar Secret
This is how you get rich and this is when you make money….serious amounts of money.
When the stock market is down 10% or more, use 50% of your “Reserve Money” to buy more stocks!
When the stock market takes sharp drops, people sell stocks all at once because they’re afraid. This sends stock prices plummeting much lower than they are actually worth. It’s like having your favorite store put a for sale sign up, “75% off…Everything Must Go.”
Take full advantage and buy more stocks! When the stock market goes back up, you’ll make tons of money and look like a financial genius. One more point, you should never run out of “Reserve Money”. Use only 50% of what you have whenever the market drops.
For instance, if you have $1000 dollars of “Reserved Money” and the market drops 15%, you would use $500 (50% Reserve Money) to buy stocks. Your reserve balance is now $500. If the market dips again suddenly, use would only use $250 dollars (50% Reserve Balance) to buy stock.
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